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Tagged: artists agency, biography, individual pages, members, problem, social icons, soundcloud player, team member, Team Member Pages, template, Thanks
- This topic has 16 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years by
Mohammad – SUPPORT.
Posted in: Flexform
April 19, 2013 at 3:16 pm #2205
first of all I want to congratulate for the template, very clean and functional.I have a problem with members of the team… We are an artists agency, so we need toΒ create individual pages for each team member in which insert biography, soundcloud player, social icons and booking form, how can I do?
April 19, 2013 at 4:27 pm #2208One more thing …
I added a page “meet the team” where all members are displayed correctly with “team” and “team carousel” element, but it shown the entire description and there is no link to member page.
I tried adding tag “read more” in the description of team member, in order to obtain a short description in team and team carousel elements, but it does not work.
How can I add this feature and link the button “read more” or member image to the member page?thanks
April 19, 2013 at 7:53 pm #2238Hi,
After creating a team member, you have a link under the title, called “View Team Member” -> that’s the link to the member’s page.
You would copy that link and create a Read More in the member’s description, linking it to what you just copied.
Hope that makes sense π
Support AssistantApril 19, 2013 at 9:11 pm #2244Hi Cosmin,
I’ve already tried, but it doesn’t work for me…
the roster page (meet the team) still shows the complete description and no button or link…
furthermore in member page, the builder does not work, so I can still change the layout and insert shortcode and can I fix?
April 20, 2013 at 1:38 pm #2292No suggestions to solve ? π
April 20, 2013 at 6:45 pm #2302Ok…i can’t still believe but i solved! For anyone who needs the same, I enclose the solution:
In => /flexform/includes/page-builder/composer/lib/shortcodes/team.php
i added a link to member image & member name editingmember image @ line 79 from :
$items .= ‘<img src=”‘.$image[0].'” width=”‘.$image[1].'” height=”‘.$image[2].'” />’;
to :
$items .= ‘<a href=”‘. get_permalink( get_the_ID()) .'”><img src=”‘.$image[0].'” width=”‘.$image[1].'” height=”‘.$image[2].'” /></a>’;
and doing same thing for member name @ line 83 from :
$items .= ‘<h4 class=”team-member-name”>’. $member_name .'</h4>’;
to :
$items .= ‘<h4 class=”team-member-name”><a href=”‘. get_permalink( get_the_ID()) .'”>’.$member_name.'</a></h4>’;
Then i’ve edited member-bio @ line 86, in order to show only a short description and have a “read more” link, changing from :
$items .= ‘<div class=”team-member-bio”>’. $member_bio .'</div>’;
to :
$items .= ‘<div class=”team-member-bio”>’. get_the_excerpt ($member_bio) .'<br /><br />’;
$items .= ‘<a style=”float: right” href=”‘ .get_permalink( get_the_ID()) .'”>Read More Β»</a></div>’;Good luck !
PS : Forgive my bad English π
April 21, 2013 at 11:31 pm #2391We didn’t have this as standard, but will likely add it in the next update π
– Ed
May 8, 2013 at 6:28 pm #4307@vivida Music Thank you so much for you help. Take me forward.
The only thing what i add is the excerpts field in backend. Its easy to control π
under /includes/custom-post-types/team-type.php
‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘thumbnail’ ),
‘supports’ => array(‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘thumbnail’, ‘excerpt’),
May 8, 2013 at 7:41 pm #4311Hi guys,
that’s a pleasure! I’m glad to help someone ^_^
@Naci Yeah, it’s right. Your code could be added in order to control a custom excerpt, very helpful in case you would add the sharing function over social networks to team-member.In fact Facebook automatically gets the excerpt as post description.
Well done π
May 3, 2014 at 12:42 pm #71968I have to catch up on this …
This is great and I cannot believe it hasn’t found it’s way into the official flexform code yet – after more than a year.
I did this mod also with the team-carousel.php and it’s working just the same way.
However, I have a little (visual) glitch: The ‘Read More’ text shows up on the trailing border, not above.
See here: Public Relations Global Network (work in progress)Did I miss sth.?
May 5, 2014 at 2:05 am #72054Hi,
@industriecontact – Please go to Admin -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS => Here put this code and update optionsbody.home a {float:left !important;}
Thanks π
With Best Regards
Swift IdeasMay 5, 2014 at 8:28 am #72097That doesn’t work.
Now it’s floating left but still hovering the border line …
May 5, 2014 at 8:53 am #72103Hi,
Please remove that one and use this one
body.home a {float:right !important;line-height:0px;}Hopefully that should work 100% .
Thanks π
With Best Regards
Swift IdeasMay 5, 2014 at 9:34 am #72111We’re getting to it … π
Now it’s working on the front (home) page.However it’s not on the page “about”:
nor on a member detail page:’d like a solution that covers all team occurrences on the whole site. π
Thank you very much!
May 5, 2014 at 9:38 am #72112Hi,
Please try this one that will work . a {float:right !important;line-height:0px;}
Thanks π
With Best Regards
Swift Ideas -
Posted in: Flexform
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