Hi Ed,
Sorry for the late reply. The e-mail notification for this thread got lost down the list of spam e-mails.
I’m using version 2.69 (a pre-release that you gave me when trying to solve another issue that I posted before this thread).
“Testing a 1/2 team asset here, and it’s scrolling 2 fine on nav arrow click..”
The problem occurs when have one or several 1/2 team-carousels and then put a 1/1 team-carousel on the top of the page.
This is the layout that I use: (which I unfortunately cannot change because of the hierarchy of their company branches).
[1/1 Team-carousel]
[1/2 Team-caoursel][1/2 Team-carousel]
[1/2 Team-caoursel][1/2 Team-carousel]