New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Tabs deeplinking. Targeting a specific tab through an external link.

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #105791
    Post count: 181

    I have been trying to link to a specific tab after a page with tabs has loaded (or with an external link) but it does not seem to work.

    Is this supported? There are two ways to do it a) copy the tab link from the browser by hovering your mouse on a tab and copying the link (tab a or 1 etc) or using java links such as this:

    Tab 0

    However, certain code needs to be in place for it work (javascript) and its seems that it is not there.

    It would be nice to be able to activate specific tabs by pressing buttons or other links from within the same page the tabs reside.

    So is this feature supported code wise? If not maybe you could consider it for a future update.



    laranz – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3186


    Yes it is not possible right now, I forward this to our developer for adding in the features list.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @Sotiris – added to the update list, will see what we can do 🙂

    – Ed

    Post count: 181
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I just forward the topic to Ed.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Sotiris

    Thank you very much for the valuable feedback, we really appreciate it.

    We definitely have plans in the future for the page builder, and are hoping it’s something we can start serious development on in the near future. We have hopes for it to become a plugin which is easily extendable, but also working on functionality which takes it above and beyond anything else on the market.

    Thanks again,

    – Ed

    Post count: 86


    I second that! That would be a great feature!

    Will you post an update on this topic when implemented?

    If this would also mix up with the master slider that would be GREAT!

    Meanwhile – would something like this be possible with some Raw HTML and / or Raw JS workaround?



    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    What exactly you want to do? Do you have a practical example?
    So we can check the complexity and see if it’s feasible or not.


    Post count: 86

    Hi Rui.

    Thanks for answering.

    Like here (temporary):

    I would like to deeplink into a tab. The deeplinking works with Master Slider, so I´m able to deeplink a certain slide in one or more slider inside a tab-element – but not the tab itself. It´s always the first one showing up. Hovering over another tab gives a link like “” – but it alsways leads to the first tab.

    So I´m after this:

    …but where the # should be the according tab like #bayerisch-nizza-clubbier leading to slide 2 in the third tab shown up initially.

    It would be really really great!

    Thanks again.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for explaining it further.

    Unfortunately this is exactly the same as posted above(thought it could be different), and we will have to Wait for a future development that accomplish this.


    Post count: 86

    Hi Rui.

    Thanks for answering.

    So do you think this will come? And do you have an idea when? 🙂

    I´m asking because this might be crucial for me how to set up my content. If it comes within some weeks or even months it would be worth for me to set up my content like this and wait for the update. If not I have to choose a different approach.

    Thanks again.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi Sascha,

    Only Ed can give you that answer. Will forward to him so he can reply.


    Post count: 181

    Since I’ve spent quite some time looking for a working solution to this I think I might be able to help.

    darthsaschi if you absulutely need deeplinkable tabs right now (or accordions) I have found a solution but it is not a WordPress plugin. It is a Jquery plugin that can be integrated to wordpress (I have done it) but you have to do it manually.

    Have a look at this:

    These tabs support anything you can imagine (iframe content, content via ajax, etc) and they are deeplinkable.

    The downside? You have to integrate the code to wordrpess (easy) and then also integrate the HTML elements to each page you want to insert the tabs to. The second is also a two step process a) you need to integrate some code to the page header or elsewhere which can be done by a plugin for you and then b) add the inline html to the page which can be done using the HTML Page Builder element.Then you can save this element and re-use your tabs config(s) in any other page you like. So you set up once and reuse easily provided that you also insert that js code to each page with the other plugin (all info exists in the documentation).

    All the tabs functions and styling is manual though but there is extensive documentation so if you are patient there is no problem. Then there are CSS files where you can edit the styling but they also offer 30 flat themes with the tabs which will probably fit perfectly with your site’s design out of the box.

    Other than that I have not managed to find a better solution yet but ZoZo tabs work really great.

    Hope it helps.

    Post count: 86

    Hi Sotiris.

    Wow, thank you. I really appreciate this. I will have a look at this.

    But nevertheless my favorite solution would be the extension of the Cardinal-tab – in order to have a reliable ínterface so my client is able to edit the contents. Maybe I would be able to implement this with some time and effort, but my client won´t be. Never. 😉

    So I´m looking foward to Ed´s answer.

    But again: thank you for your efforts. Maybe I can use this in some other project.


    Post count: 181

    Hmm I thought it would be only for your own use so sure this is no solution for your customer. I would certainly prefer a Cardinal integrated solution as well since the less plugins one uses the less worries when update(s) hit the road.

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