New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Switching from DANE TO Atelier

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #214663
    Post count: 101

    I am looking to upgrade to Atelier from DANTE. Can you please confirm if my main page elements with Pallax, icon boxes etc going to be the same? I do not want to take any risk as this is a cooperate website.

    Please best advise

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We cannot confirm it will be exactly the same, Atelier uses the plugin Swift Framework as a separate installable item.

    It will require adjustments to the shortcodes ex: Dante blog [blog vs Atelier blog shortcode prefix: [spb_blog.

    A similar article for Cardinal to Atelier would be worth a read for your reference also:

    I would suggest you setup a clone of you site and use this a development site to test the differences away from the live site.

    – David.

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