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  • #45632
    Post count: 2

    I’ve just made a change to the cart icon in the header to display an item count as opposed to the total value/dollar amount. I had to make the change in two core files, sf-header.php and sf-woocommerce.php. It was a simple change and I much prefer seeing that cart quantity as opposed to the total value of the cart, but there are two things in the dev side I’m wondering about.

    Would it be possible to wrap these functions in an if(!function_exists()) statement so that they can be easily overridden in a child theme as opposed to needing to edit the core files. I might be able to do a remove_filter on the sf-woocommerce function, but I don’t think that will help with the call in sf-header. Apologies if I’m overlooking a better approach.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’ll forward this on to the developer.

    – Kyle

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