New Landing How can we help? Atelier Swift Slider & Row picture fallback for mobile OR align it better.

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #302577
    Post count: 2


    Our website uses the swift slider for the header picture on the front page and it also has a row with a picture further down on the front page. Both of these when you visit via your phone are aligned poorly. For instance the header one I want the bracelet and the girls head to be showing as well as possible, not the arm/sleeve. And on the Row one I want the bracelet to be in view, on the phone you just see the blurry background. How can I either add a fallback image or just align the current pictures better the way I want them to?

    P.s. I have tried the align option (left, center, right) that you can choose between in the options, didn’t look good either way.

    Thank you in advance.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    The setting Mobile Background image horizontal align is the only way to adjust the background for mobile currently.

    If this is not enough, I’d suggest you test using Slider Revolution plugin as this give you huge possibilities to customise for each screen size.


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