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  • #226913
    Post count: 34

    Hi, I’m having trouble getting the tour tabs to function properly on this page

    I want it to look and function like this page I would have just edited this page, but it freezes the screen when I try to open it in the Swift page builder. Sometimes it finally opens, but then it is one flat section & I can’t add a tab. It seemed worth it to recreate it and avoid those issues

    I thought I’d adjusted it properly Friday, but it doesn’t appear to be working now. This page was created the same day and I went back in to edit one of the form links (it was duplicated from the previous location) and now it is definitely not clicking through.

    Thank you!

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Can you remove that form temporarily whilst we test. You have a few JS errors that I think are caused by the form, which causes the Tabs to not work.

    Where are you getting that form code from? You may need to insert it into the page differently to avoid tags getting stipped out.


    Post count: 34
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I have tested this locally and it also breaks my tabs, it looks to be an issue with the form JS. Unfortunately it looks like it is not compatible with those shortcodes.


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