New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Supreme Swift Page Builder / Edit Blog / Exclude categories doesn't work

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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #18391


    I would like to exclude a category from the blog list, but the Exclude categories option doesn’t work (If you would like to exclude categories from the blog list, then enter the category IDs here with a “-” infront of them, seperated by a comma (no spaces or quotes). E.g. “-1,-7,-23”.)

    I would like to exclude the category_ID=80, so I put “-80” in the field, saved and published but nothing changed, and when I go back to edit the blog, using the Swift Page Builder, the Exclude category field is empty.

    How can I correct this ?



    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi Vianney,

    Are you inserting the text exactly like that? “80” ? It needs to not have quotes.



    Support Assistant

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