New Landing How can we help? Atelier Swift framework update has caused loss of page builder?

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #252351
    Post count: 25


    Since updating the framework I don’t have the ‘page builder’ option on any of my pages anymore. I’ve checked the swift framework>options and it is set to be enabled and I’ve been using it all the time up until today… any help is much appreciated as I can’t get much done until its back!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It seems that there is a conflict with the plugin Yith Woocommerce Popup. If you deactivate that plugin you will see that the page builder works fine.

    We will investigate this further during this next week.


    Post count: 32

    Hey Rui,

    Just an additional note, on my site, with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter, the page builder (2.0 framework) is completely missing when the plugin is activated.

    On disabling the plugin, the page builder returns.

    It is fine with YITH wishlist.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you guys update to the latest swiftframework version we launched today with some fixes. Go to the plugins and update the SwiftFramework.
    Also clear the browser cache after updating and before testing again.

    Let us know the result.


    Post count: 32

    Hey Rui,

    The update did the trick for me.


    Just some feedback about page builder 2.0. I like the new interface, however, I feel it is at the expense of usability. Not being able to see the text in each element, without opening it, is a little frustrating. Perhaps it is just me.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Glad it’s sorted.

    Yes we remove the text because it will reduce drastically the size height of the block and this will help in complex pages that have a lot of elements.

    In order to be easier to recognise what an element stand for, it’s now possible to rename the asset names, so instead of saying “Text Block”, you can rename to whatever you want e.g: “Home – Introduction text”.

    You can rename all the assets of the page builder. Also if you place content inside rows, you can minimize and maximize the rows to hide or display the content inside. (this only affects what you see in the backend, it doesn’t change anything in the frontend)

    To rename the asset just click in the name of the element or you can change the Asset name field when you open the edit modal.

    Example of text block rename.

    In case you didn’t do it yet, take a couple minutest just to watch the documentation of the Page builder.


    Post count: 25

    Hi Rui,

    Thanks very much for this. Yes the update has worked. I also had the same thought about the new page builder. I liked it before and as I’m trying to launch the site in a couple of weeks I’m not relishing the fact that there will be more work to do trying to get my head around it all now. I can see the logic though so hopefully in the long term it will be a benefit… 🙂 Thanks for helping with this issue.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. If you feel more comfortable using the older until you finish the project you can grab here the version before the 2.0 version.

    p.s – The page builder documentation link was wrong, I already updated it.


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