New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Swift Framework Shortcodes editor button yields 403: Forbidden

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #161562
    Post count: 7

    Problem: Swift Framework Shortcodes button in Page Editor or in Elements Editor does not function.

    Symptoms: pressing the button produces modal/lightbox with Error 403: Forbidden. We could not identify any other method anywhere in the theme or its plug-ins that produces the 403 error.

    Environment: IIS 8; PHP 5.4.37 FastCGI; ASP.NET 4.5.2

    Server Permissions: Full Control for System, Application Pool, Admin. Pool, and Domain Users (back-end) for ALL CHILD OBJECTS in wp-admin and wp-content.

    Re-creation: After logging into WordPress, select Pages > All pages, then choose any page by title to edit. In edit mode for the selected page, apply any standard or creative method to display the Swift Framework Shortcodes button. Click/tap the button.

    Thank you for your prompt attention and consideration of our theme’s functional discontinuity.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    can you provide us ftp access to check the file permissions inside that directory?
    Use the private reply. Thanks


    Post count: 184

    Did you manage to resolve this? if so, how? Having the same issue.

    Post count: 7

    Hey Bongobong,

    Yes, the problem appeared related to Swift Frameworks interaction with (…or dependency upon) the generic WordPress element TinyMCE. Specifically, I removed the WP Admin user who originally installed the theme (and therefore, the Swift Framework), because that person was no longer part of the company. As the new Admin, I inherited the website and the WordPress installation. I had no way to determine the valid license continuity from the very first, original WordPress installation through the current Dante (we’re running Dante’s Child, to be specific) install. One of those tiny keys associated with that particular Admin user no longer matched my new Admin account, so (what I believe was) a licensing check failed, and the code persistently returned a 403.

    Solution? Yeah, I wasn’t excited about this, either; but it worked perfectly and immediately! I performed a domain rebuild, fresh WP 4.x install, fresh Dante (and Child) install from a virgin .zip, and I DID NOT import the database, to avoid re-introducing and old key, an old user, or an old hash somewhere that would become a problem down the road.

    BAM! Just like that: problem gone, and the site immediately began responding more quickly, too. I sure hope this helps someone. I spent a good piece of 45 days on it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441


    – Thanks for explanation.
    With Best Regards

    Post count: 7

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The error was a 403 (Forbidden); not a 503. Please make note of my typo in the solution reply, above! D:

    Mohammad, if you could please check the tags on this thread, I also may have tagged my reply with the wrong error code. I just want to be thorough and clear. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    thanks for the explanation, already fixed in one reply.


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