New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift Swift Framework 2.5.15 & Uplift 1.3.17 issues

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #295315
    Post count: 45

    Well I installed these updates the morning and pretty much wrecked my website. Had to do a full database and file restore to get things working. I’ve seen quite a few other complaints here about this.

    editing any page will start by changing to the default editor so you have to change back to the page builder. It’ll do this every time.

    the icon grid box is messed up. Instead of the icon/text being centered vertically in the box area they now float to the top.

    Thought I saw some misbehavior with the row element as regards the wrap type setting but i realize its actually working correctly now. Have to use “full width (contained)” instead of “standard width” which was working in an older theme/framework.


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    We have released updates for both the theme and the SF plugin to resolve any reported issues.

    Both of the above must be updated. Are you using a child theme to override any core theme files/functions?

    After update, please also clear your browser and plugin cache if applicable.

    Post count: 45

    Those latest updates cleared up the problem with the icon grid box element just fine

    Still is always defaulting to the standard editor and not the page builder on any given page. Is it supposed to remember what it last used? Would be great if it did. I prefer the page builder for “pages” but would rather have the standard editor on posts so I don’t want to force it to be active everywhere.

    Yes I do use a child theme but not for any overriding of core functionality, just the addition of a page template

     * Template Name: Recent eNewsletter post redirect
    $cat_id = 999; //eNewsletter category
    $latest_cat_post = new WP_Query( array('posts_per_page' => 1, 'category__in' => array($cat_id)));
    if( $latest_cat_post->have_posts() ) : 
    	while( $latest_cat_post->have_posts() ) :
    		wp_redirect(get_permalink( )); 
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    You can disable/enable the Page builder for various post types. Swift Framework => Options => Page Builder Post Types.

    The default should be this:

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