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  • #53969
    Post count: 386

    1. I love the underlined look of the automatic swift builder widget titles. However, I want to make sure they are classified as H2:s and H1:s for the purpose of SEO. I want my H1:s and H2:s to look the same way. Currently the widget titles seems to be classified as H5.

    2. Also, it would be great to be able to reduce space below these title headings. I can always add more space but I cannot reduce the current default settings.

    Could you please give my a custom CSS to override the current settings and instead make widget titles H2:s with less spacing below by default? The underline should still be there – at the same distance from the corresponding title as it is in the image/demo version.

    3. I want to be able to alter what my H1:s are. For example, I do not want my H1 on my ABOUT US page be “ABOUT US”. I want to be able to call my “ABOUT US” page something seo-friendly for H1 without being forced to call the actual navigation button that same LONG thing.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I have answered the first question on your other thread.

    As for changing all the H1’s throughout the theme, we can’t support this is it is advanced customization therefore you would have to hire a developer for that.

    – Kyle

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