New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Pinpoint Swift builder is going haywire

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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #244319
    Post count: 76

    Howdy, helpful computer whizzes.

    I’ve been having a bizarro problem relating to the Swift Builder.

    It seems that whenever we’re working with/duplicating elements that are smaller than 1/1/full width, the Swift Builder stops working. The content goes blank and it’s only visible in text mode.

    I looked at a few of the other threads to see if there was a solution, but didn’t see anything.

    This seems to mostly be affecting “Pages”, for example, this one:

    If you have any words of wisdom, I would much appreciate them.

    Many thanks,

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Can you please test this with the child theme deactivated? Whilst we test this, please keep that disabled so I can take a closer look also.


    Post count: 76

    Hi David,

    This isn’t really an option as a lot of formatting on our sales pages breaks with the child theme deactivated. We can’t have our website in shambles, as it is how we keep the lights on. Any other ideas?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Maggie,

    Please ask your host to setup a clone of your site so you can have a staging/test site.

    We can then test this without any plugins active and without the child theme active.


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