New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Support or lack of

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #37004
    Post count: 51

    I am not sure if I am doing things right but I put 2 support requests two days ago and never received any kind of response.

    Is this the right place to get support? Is there an e-mail that I should be using?

    When I purchased this theme, there seemed to be a commitment to support.



    Post count: 42

    I’m not on the support team, but a user like yourself. I know that Ed has been out for a few days celebrating a birthday. I believe today was his first day back and I’m sure there is a pile of requests for him to get to. It will be fixed shortly. I put a few things in at the beginning of the week and that was what I was told. They do a super great job with support here on the forum. There is no email to use.

    Post count: 51

    Thanks for the update. I did not know!

    I noticed that other requests were being answered.

    Post count: 42

    I believe they have a small team of people that can give quick customization answers, but Ed is the one that does most of the replying.

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212

    Hi ielbury,

    I only see 2 support threads created 23 hours ago. Both were already assigned to Ed . Also both seem like a server configuration issue. The latest version is quite stable and i have not seen such errors before so you will likely have to wait for Ed to answer.

    Thank you for your patience.


    Post count: 51

    Thank you for the update!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @ielbury – I was away for 4 days, my first holiday of the year, so apologies that response time was down for those days. Should be back to normal shortly 🙂

    – Ed

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