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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #280243
    Post count: 10

    Hi Guys,

    I’ve been using X Theme for years now, which is a great theme overall but slacks when it comes to commerce.
    I’ve taken a plunge and purchased Uplift for the shop factor, as the commerce side really well designed. However, I’m finding actually building the pages I thought would be simple, harder than expected – There’s a few flaws in the code and I can’t get things to look how I need them. I’ve spent quite some time trying to sort this however with a launch coming up, this doesn’t look like it’s going to be ready.

    So does anyone offer a service to rebuild my existing pages from X Theme and recreate in Uplift? The content is already there, it’s just I need it to look the same and I’m struggling to do that with Uplift. That way I can just add the products knowing that the rest workds fine and get ready for launch.

    Post count: 10

    Just to also point out, that everytime I try to make a change, the site reverts back to the previous settings, which is getting highly frustrating. If I make a change to a page, it doesn’t update and when I go back into VC to check, the elements have again reset.

    Example: Header Divider. I’m simply trying to copy something that was dead-easy to do with X Theme, however everytime try to change the text, it resets.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Unfortunalty we do offer that kind of service, you would need to look into hiring someone to do that.

    Regarding your no.2 issue can you link me to a page where you experience this and provide a WP login?

    Are all plugins updated?

    – David.

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