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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #226672
    Post count: 10

    Hi, thanks again for a great theme. I have three questions for you.

    1) How can I make the super search top bar a little larger on mobile? I’d like to make it just a bit more prominent.

    2) I would like to add 1 or 2 text links to the left of our subscribe^ just below the social icons. I like the subtle vertical divider. So I’m looking for: textlink | textlink | Subscribe^

    3) Also super search related. Visit and click the super search. You’ll notice we have three variables.

    They default to this: I’m having a problem with **pests** at my **home/business** in **____________, nc.**

    I would like to prevent people from being able to select “any” in any of the three fields. I would also like to force them to select either home OR business – not “any” or “home/business”. Lastly, I want to force them to select a city in the last field – not “any” or “_____.”

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    2 & 3 are fairly complex and would require you to have a web developer do the changes if you do not have PHP knowledge.

    1) Please use this CSS in your theme options:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #top-bar {
            padding: 20px 20px;


    You will need to modify the theme via the use of a child theme. You will need to locate and copy the function sf_aux_links() found in includes/sf-header.php to your child theme functions.php file. You will see this line $aux_links_output .= '</div></li>'. "\n"; below that you can add your PHP modification.

    3) This modification would require a web developer, a change like that is beyond the scope of theme support. You can request this here:


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