On my store page (http://tinyurl.com/k2gota7) I have added the woocommerce product category widget. On the live site I have disabled some of the widget’s functions because they look horrible. That’s why I have added a screenshot, and will try to explain it by the screenshot.
As you can see in the screenshot, I have enabled the widget’s “show post count” option. The problem here is that the count shows up underneath the category name. I would like to include the post count within the of the category name. So for the first category “Accessoires” it would be: “Accessoires (16) >”. How can I get this to work? It really looks bad without proper styling.
Furthermore, I have also enabled the option to only show sub-categories when you are on the Parent Category’s page. So for the screenshot and the live site (link above) we are on the “Transferpersen” page. Therefore it only shows the sub-categories of “Transferpersen”. However, the widget still shows the border, created by the sub-categories of “Accessoires”. When I check the code I see that it’s an empty ul (`<ul class=”children”>
</ul>`). How can I get rid of this border?
Thanks in advance!