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  • #32801
    Post count: 17

    I am almost finished with my web, but with portfolio I am big time stuck.
    1- I really don’t know how to add “portfolio” in my menu (feel very dumb about it!), so I can navigate through my portfolio pages. Now I only have portfolio pages in the limbo!
    2- The portfolio pages “filter our work” is off (not centered like in the demo)
    3- Instead of “filter our work” I would like to be “filter my work”, how can I do it?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    1 wp-admin > Appearance > Menus

    2 What’s your website URL?



    Post count: 17
    Post count: 17

    In my number 1 question. I was not very clear where I have trouble figuring out the portfolio.
    I got the “1 wp-admin > Appearance > Menus” (this is easy!)
    For example in “The store” I went to woocommerce settings there is an option where you select what page is your store and by default all your products go there.
    The same for my blog, on the settings, there is an option for entries that I can select the page that I named “blog” and all my entries go to this page.
    That both I Know how to add later to the menu.
    My problem is to figure out, Where is an option I can set up a page where all my portfolio entries go. or Does it work different?
    I don’t know if I explain my self?
    Thank you for all what you do, I can not imagine answering all these requests.

    Post count: 17

    I think I figured out,
    I created a page in the page builder with the portfolio element,
    selected show all categories,
    but when I go to the page doesn´t show the portfolio items.
    Also when I am in one of the portfolio item and click in another category doesn´t link to go there?

    Post count: 17

    Forget everything, more or less I have figure out!!!
    The only last thing is how to change the color header of the “filter our work”
    like in the demo of neigborhood template.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Here you go: `.filter-slide-wrap.span12.alt-bg.alt-one {
    background: black;

    Cheers 🙂

    Post count: 17

    Ole !!!!!
    Thank you

    Post count: 17

    In number 3: Is there a way to change the name “Filter our work” to something else that is not with the translation process (Uff! seems a lot of work for just 2 words). Like one of those beautiful & magical css codes!!!!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    You’d need to modify the php code to change it, there’s no css for it 🙁 So I recommend using the translation because if you edit the php code you will lose the change upon updating the theme 🙁


    Post count: 17

    Thank you, Melanie. I will take my time and do it with the translation.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


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