New Landing How can we help? Atelier Speed of the website is terrible

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #231658
    Post count: 10

    Hi guys,

    Our website is loading terribly slow. Without the W3 caching plugin, it takes over more than 40 seconds to load a page.
    This can’t be right. Could you take a look at the settings and look for a solution. Our website is hosted at I know it’s not of the fastest hostings but more than 40 seconds is too slow for any kinds of hosting.

    Also, the plugin of the W3 caching isn’t automatically preloading the pages from our sitemap.
    Also, I had to block the W3 caching plugin from caching the sitemap, because the sitemap is cached, it is broken. I think because of the minifying of the data.

    Thank you very much guys!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Load time is 3.27s which is fast, see:!/fC6lD/

    If it’s slow for you it may be your internet

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Hi Kyle,

    I’m afraid this wasn’t the answer I was hoping for.
    There is no problem with the speed when the caching is enabled.

    BUT for the pages where we can’t activate the caching, meaning the /my-account/ page (=different content if you are logged in or not, so caching can’t be activated) or the /basket/ page, it is also slow and taking more than 5 seconds.
    Look at the screenshot attached to see the loading time of the homepage without browser caching. It takes 23 seconds to receive the first answer of the server. Meaning that the server is having memory troubles, meaning that the theme or some other plugins are slowing down the website.

    What would you suggest I’ll do?
    – Another caching plugin than the W3, because it can’t prefetch all the pages so they are always cached?
    – Another hosting, any suggestions?
    – Which plugins do you know are slow?


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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    That’s an issue with you’re hosting, it’s taking 23 seconds for the server to respond, you’ll see in chrome in the bottom left of the screen ‘waiting for server’. You will need to contact your hosts about this

    – Kyle

    Post count: 10

    Hi Kyle,
    We contacted our hosting company and upgraded our account from 500MB RAM to 4GB RAM BUT the problem is still there.
    The admin panel is still terribly slow, sometimes the pages even don’t load. It is very frustrating to work in the admin panel since it is so slow or doesn’t even respond.
    When we first moved to the new hosting the admin panel was faster, but after a few hours, the loading time was slow again. Can it be that there is a script running that allocates all our RAM?
    Any ideas how we can solve this?


    Post count: 60

    Jonas, I have many complaints against swiftideas/atelier but speed is NOT one of them. My site loads in under 700ms and the https (non-cached) pages load in 1.4 seconds. You need to make sure your wp-config is set up properly.

    Post count: 10

    Hi JackV,
    What should I change in the wp-config file? Any suggestions?
    Why are your https pages not cached?


    Post count: 60
    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks @JackV

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