New Landing How can we help? Cardinal SPB Sections example

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #106540
    Post count: 16


    is there any example how to use the new SPB Sections feature? I did not see this in any demo.

    Thanks for clarify.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding the SPB Sections.

    Step 1
    In first place you have to check it the Swift Pagebuilder is active on the SPB Sections.
    Go to Page Builder options in the Theme General Options and add the SPB Sections to the page builder post types. Like in the image bellow

    Step 2
    After that you must create a new SPB Section that is available on WordPres Dashboard menu.
    Add your desired Page Builder elements and save.

    Step 3
    Go to the page where you want to use a SPB and add it to the page. Edit the SPB section and you will have a dropdown with all the SPB sections that exist, choose your desired section and it’s done.

    This is very useful to group blocks of content that are similar between pages. Then you just have to update the SPB Section and all the pages that use them will be updated.

    Let us know if you still have doubts.

    Post count: 16

    Thank you for explanation. Would be great if we can see new features in a demo.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. In a demo you won’t be able to see any difference using a SPB section or directly the the SPB Assets, because the front-end result will be the same.

    But yes we will update our documentation, this featured was only launched a couple days ago.



    Post count: 181

    I just noticed that SPB has to be enabled on sections! Great now it makes better sense! Just as I am getting ready to build about 20 pages of the same category that will contain common style elements at the top and bottom! Now that is a great time saver not to mention that I can tweak styling afterwards and have all 20 pages updated automatically.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Yes, it’s the first step. Will suggest Ed that the SPB Section post type should be always active by default in the Swift Page Builder options.

    Enjoy the new feature.


    Post count: 44

    I would like to say “Thank you” for this update. For me is a must in my projects.

    Every version gets nice improvements!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    That’s great. Thanks for your kind words.

    Post count: 184

    Hey there, this is a GREAT idea.

    BUT am I right in saying that the SPB section has to be full width?
    I’d like to have an SPB section that is 1/3 but it turns up as a 1/1 section

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441


    – Please create a new topic.

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