New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Some sidebars are Span4 and others Span3 – see inconsistency in the framework!

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  • #12678
    Post count: 31

    Hello – I love your theme (Thank you) but I have been lamenting over how wide the sites side bars are (left or right -span4 – they are simply too big and take away valuable real-estate from the main content) when I came across an framework inconsistency. The product category page w/sidebar has a normal sized sidebar (span9 + span3)


    … whereas the rest of the sites pages including single product pages all use a wider sidebar (span8 + span4) which as I mentioned above, just seems abnormally wide to me (its one-third of the page and normal design only uses about one-quarter). In fact when you add a sidebar to a single product page it cuts down the product image size significantly and greatly squishes text content as well! Is there any way we can have a narrower sidbar?

    See my single product page example with sidebar (span8 + span4 – note that the related product carousel below wants to use the thumb size that works in the span9 + span3 configuration)

    your sites ex (ie it is not just me):

    In an ideal world I would greatly love it if we had the ability to choose the width of the sidebar or at least have you stick with the narrower span3 size for sidebars. I have been through your code and was going to make this change myself but I know there are many new changes coming in vers. 1.2 and I don’t want to do this work all over again with each new update. It does not look good that there are two different sized sidebars in web site design.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    This is done for a reason, and is not by mistake.

    The page builder content is built primarily for use in 1/4 1/2 1/1 columns, which works perfectly for an 8 column content area. If we were to make this 9 columns, it would not divide up equally, which would require a vast amount of extra css to make it work.

    – Ed

    Post count: 31

    OK – I hear what you are saying but in the end any site using this theme then is stuck with a design inconsistency whereby every (single) sidebar on the site is 33% of the width and shop category page sidebars are 25%.

    Further, as I think I mentioned in another post, this makes your theme less compatible with woocommerce shortcodes – as the thumbnail images do not fit properly when a sidebar is added to a page.

    Your theme permits the setting of a sidebar on a product page. With that set the thumb image does not fit on the related products carousel at the bottom.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thank you for the feedback, we will consider it!

    Post count: 48

    I totally agree, also I dont like when the sidebar “jumps” when the user clicks from the category view page to the singel product page. The sidebar should be consistent on the all pages its shown.

    Post count: 19

    Yeah I agree, it’s annoying having to configure multiple width sidebards.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thank you for the feedback!

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