Hi there, I have the following issues with the RTL version of my website using Uplift theme:
1. header menu alignment wrong on all pages – should be aligned to the left.
2. pull quote has vertical lines on the right and on the left – should only have one thin vertical line to the right of the tex (like in the English version of the website).
3. countdown clock – how to translate it into Arabic for the Arabic version of the website.
Khalifa Park Festival page:
4. “What’s on” header in divider – line goes over the text
5. “Where is Khalifa Park?” header in divider – line goes over the text – same as above
Desert Festival page:
6. pull quote has vertical lines on the right and on the left – should only have one thin vertical line to the right of the text.
7. “Desert workshop days” header in divider – line goes over the text
8. all modal button text on the page is in in italics, can’t seem to be able to change to normal text
9. “NYUAD conference” header in divider – line goes over the text
10. again pull quote text vertical lines are wrong:
UNESCO and Youth page:
11. Pull quote vertical lines again on both sides
12. photo gallery at the bottom of the page – navigation arrows aligned to the left – need to have them on both sides
Contact page
13. How to align text like “name, message, email” to the right?
please advice,
thank you