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  • #44763
    Post count: 53

    Dear developers,

    1) I have changed the size of the single product size to 295×450, my image is blurry (yes I have adjusted this in woocommerce And regenerated the thumbnails.)

    2) The hover effect doesn’t work like it should. Could you take a look.

    3) Last but not least, is there a minimum image size to make this all work? My customer doesn’t want the huge images.

    This is the website:


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    1 I don’t see blurry images anywhere on your site, can you show me a screenshot of what you see?

    2 seems to work fine on my end as well, can you specify “doesn’t work as it should”?

    3 We use for example this image which is 1200 x 1800 pixels. The other sizes will be generated automatically.


    Post count: 53


    1) The blurry image is the single-product image (see attachment named Single)

    2) The zoom effect just shows a smaller version of the image and doesn’t really zoom. (attachment with the name zoom.

    3) I use an image which is 295 x 450 pixels, is this large enough?


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The reason your image is blurry is because you are using an image which is only 295px wide, but because the image section is set at 48& which is about 370px, therefore it is being blown up.

    Also the hover isn’t zooming because again, your image is only 295px wide. For it to zoom like we have on our demo, you need to use bigger images.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 53

    Thank you, yes bigger image work.

    I have another question: How do i remove the accordion elements on the Single-Product page?

    So i want to remove: Description, additional info etc.
    Except the part: Need help?

    Could you help me out?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Just add this to your custom css:

    #product-accordion {
      display: none;

    – Kyle

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