New Landing How can we help? Atelier Some customisation options not available?

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #244741
    Post count: 25


    I hope you can hep. I’m nearly finished building my site and have just been reviewing the atelier theme documentation and I noticed something I don’t seem to have on my version. I’ve installed the latest update but in my ‘customiser’ I don’t have the ‘design options’ dropdown with ‘minimal’, ‘bold’ and ‘bright’ that’s mentioned in the theme documentation? is this just for cardinal? Also – what is the ‘SEO’ section – is this something that’s coming soon?

    another query – I’d like to have some more control over the appearance of widgets in my sidebars – are there any options for changing their appearance?

    many thanks

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Sorry, the 3 design styles are only for Cardinal, looks like we forgot to remove it from the Atelier docs

    You would need to use custom css to change the look of widgets

    – Kyle

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