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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #183546
    Post count: 163

    Hi there,
    We have used your gorgeous theme for, but it takes A LOT of time to load the frontpage. Customers are complaining about this.

    The developer that did the website said that parent theme outputs custom styles in the header and so he had to put our stylesheet in the footer for that reason. Otherwise he was not able to overwrite it.

    How can you help us here?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You should use WP super Cache plugin to speed up your website. You need to insert the custom css code at Admin -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS. In this way, you can override our css easily.

    Post count: 163

    I see. But what if I am not interested in using a caching plugin and need your help and explanation on the above?

    Nishant – SUPPORT
    Post count: 649

    As mohammad told, you can put your custom css in Theme Options -> Custom CSS to override our css.

    Try to deactivate plugins which apart from our theme and check if still it is taking time to load the homepage.

    Post count: 163

    I might be slow here, but are you answering this question – is it like this?:

    “The developer that did the website said that parent theme outputs custom styles in the header and so he had to put our stylesheet in the footer for that reason.”

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Your home page is 6.1MB, that’s why it’s taking so long to load, it’s nothing to do with the CSS loading in the header.

    Your images need optimizing to reduce the size of the page. You may also want to consider upgrading your hosting to a faster server

    It does only take 6 seconds to load, so it’s not really that bad

    – Kyle

    Post count: 163

    Hi Kyle,
    Thanks, however there’s not many images on the site and they are, as far as I know, not that big. And btw this has been an issue even before the products were added to the site.

    Can there be any other reasons beside the size of the site? It is ONLY the frontpage load (before having browser cached anything) that is slow.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    What hosting are you with? That’s 80%-90% factor in page speed

    – Kyle

    Post count: 163

    Cloudways e.g. Digital Ocean. On a very fast plan.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    It just comes down to a combination of hosting, opitimizing images, using Caching for e.g W3 Total Cache, CDN etc.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 163

    only for frontpage load issue?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Your homepage is no slower for me than all of your other pages

    – Kyle

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