New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Slight sizing issues with Revslider

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #4607
    Post count: 17


    Great theme thanks. Working with the revolution slider for the first time, trying to figure it out and produce something that doesn’t look awful at the same time…

    I have set up a test page here:

    but while I have managed to upload a slide and get it working, there are two tiny issues. Firstly, at the top of the slider, there seems to be a very thin, one px deep line that sits on top of the slider, and extends to the left and right of it. Any idea where this comes from and how to get rid of it?

    Also, the slide I have produced sits within three sides of the white border that  goes around it, but on the bottom side of the slide it can be seen through the border, which has become semi-transparent. This second issue only seems to occur when the page is viewed on a big screen, and not on a smaller laptop or iPad screen.

    Call me picky, but as I am working on this for a client, I’d like to resolve these two little glitches. What am i doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi Richard,

    1) I see this custom CSS that adds the border on top of the slider:

    #header-section, #mini-header {
        border-bottom-color: #E4E4E4;

    Either remove it or replace the color with transparent.

    2) There is no CSS that does this, I checked and it seems that the layers are not positioned correctly – they are not perfectly aligned and, being semi-transparent, the create that line.


    Support Assistant

    Post count: 17

    Thanks for your help.

    I haven’t added any custom CSS though, so I don’t know where that code has come from. So far I actually haven’t altered any code anywhere, and have only uploaded images etc through the standard admin interfaces.

    However, copying the code you have provided above and changing the colour to match my background colour is a kind of fix.


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