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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #11956
    Post count: 31

    Hello, good night

    I am new to wordpress… and this is the first time that I decided to use it to create my website… I cannot create a slide of photos to put on my home page… and I can not find sufficiently clear documentation…

    could tell me step by step how to create one and insert it in the page

    thank you.

    Post count: 16

    Hi JMvelez… I am just a user too. but maybe can tell you depending on the which slider you wanting to use.

    1. If you wanting like homepage 1 fancy revolutionary slider and have created slide you append the short code or you you trying to have the slider like page too you check box on page to show swift slider and which post images.

    Their also if you go to create page to the right is are premafe home templates to choose

    Post count: 16

    I guess it would have had the images

    The meta box area for slider options

    I hope that help please note if you find the shared links do no work. I have set to expire in 24 hours by that point the swift folks would be back

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    The quickest way is to create a slider in Revolution Slider, edit it and click Import/Export. There, you can upload our Revolution Slider demo content (it’s in the Demo Content folder of your download), and have the slider running on your home page as we have it.

    NOTE: you need to take note of your Revolution Slider alias when creating it, then edit your home page and scroll down and activate Revolution Slider by pasting in that alias.

    Hope this helps.



    Support Assistant

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