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  • #44777
    Post count: 17

    Reading through your other posts on optimizing this theme. I am getting on average 67/100 on pingdom which is super slow when you consider there isn’t even any content on the site yet.

    From the pingdom it says that the site it is lagging on loading admin-ajax.php. When I disable /enable all plugins/themes I was able to isolate the issue from revolution slider plugin. It is responsible for bringing the site’s speed down 15% and hanging on admin-ajax.php. Which I see is actually a wordpress core file. Again I have one slide, barely any content! With out it the site is clocking in at 87/100 and without woo commerce it gets up to 94/100.

    I was running Revolution Slider Version 3.0.7, and just updated to 4.1.4 with same slow results and lags on that darn admin-ajax.php file.

    The WP backend is excruciatingly slow as well, but that could be godaddy’s issue.

    I have W3 Total Cache installed but only got a 7% bump. I also want to try wpengine down the line once i get significant amounts of content on the site. Also to note WP Better Minify broke the site, and I have disabled the minify in the W3 settings.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll forward this to the developer!


    Post count: 13

    Hi, I’m having the exact same problem.

    With Rev Slider plugin turned on minimum loading time 14 sec.
    Rev Slider turned off brings it back to 3.5 seconds.

    Just 3 products on the site yet…

    Subscribing to this thread, hope the developer has some insights.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hey guys,

    Unfortunately the revolution slider can be hungry on resources – it’s functionality is pretty amazing, although we never seem to have problems with it slowing things down.

    There are some things you can do though.

    1) Go to Revolution Slider > Global Settings , and set the JS to load in the footer.
    2) Install Better WordPress Minify
    3) Install WP Super Cache

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

    Post count: 313

    I am also battling a super slow site 41 / 100. I have a few questions which I will ask in another post, but regarding the global settings of the Revolution Slider, where is the option to set JS to load in the footer? Maybe I just don’t know how to use this interface, but this is all I can find in global settings. (See attached image.)

    Can you help me find what you are talking about?


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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi @creatorofstuff

    Are you using the last version?

    Check the setting in the red rectangle to load the script in the footer


    Post count: 313

    Hey, thanks a bunch. I am using the latest version.

    I did just do what you suggested. Thank you! Unfortunately, it didn’t change anything regarding my speed score, but it has to be a good thing to do. 🙂

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem.

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