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  • Posted in: Nota
  • #324628
    Post count: 24

    Please could you advise or help on my sites performance. I have the LIVE site with a hared Fasthost Hosting and have just set up a STAGING site on another Cloud based hosting environment with TSO Host. The reason for creating a staging environment was to check site speeds on both hosts. I have another site with Fast host and this is also very slow. The problem is both sites on the two different environments are very slow.

    All of the images on the site are optimised for web.
    I have WP Super Cache installed.
    I have Autoptimzer installed.
    All plugins are up-to-date

    Please could you check over the settings to make sure I am getting the most out of the site performance? Are there any other plugins that I’m not using that could be deactivated. Could you maybe suggest a minimum hosting spec that is needed for the site to run faster?

    Please advise?

    Kind regards

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    I think you have done what you cold.I think the issue is now related to the speed of the hosting.
    Personally I already worked with Fasthosts in the past and didn’t liked the performance.

    We suggest WP Engine.


    Post count: 24

    Hi Rui,
    Where is the demo site hosted (themeforest demo)?
    This is becoming quite an issues. Are there any plugins that could be disabled to help performance?
    I’m definitely moving away from Fasthost and the TSOHost is a little better.


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    We use WPEngine, cannot recommend them enough honestly.

    Using this tool:!/buPJ65/

    I can see your site has a huge server wait time:

    Post count: 24

    Just as an update to this issue. I have moved the site across to Site Ground GoGeek platform and it seems to be running a little faster. Thank you for your help.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Glad it’s faster for you.

    A CDN such as MaxCDN may also be of help to you, also ask your host to enable gzip compression if possible.


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