Hi Swift Support!
I’m having trouble using the single product shortcode that Woo provides on a standard page. The shortcode can be found here (Product Page).
Here is a sample of the code I’m trying to use: [product_page id=”13554″]
I’m trying to use this shortcode on this (regular) page: https://royalsticks.com/customize/
There are two things I notice when I view the page after inserting the shortcode:
– 1. The styling is jacked up when the shortcode is displayed.
– 2. The footer thumbnails for the ‘highest rated products’ widget are huge (doesn’t appear this way on the home or shop pages).
It seems like there’s some sort of styling conflict on standard pages.
Things to know:
I resized the product catalog thumbnails using the ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’ plugin. This may have been what effected the footer product thumbnails, but I feel like it wouldn’t because I only changed the catalog image size (300×300).