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  • #237552
    Post count: 50

    Hello :), I am using WP V4.4 and Last theme V 3.20 as well as the last version of woo-commerce. I am having problems with the images of the single products and the thumbnails..

    I have installed fresh wp and woocommerce and downloaded the theme again to be sure its something related to the theme. I have changed the products images dimensions and as always i have regenerated the thumbnails. The catalog product images have been changed as required 560×720.. the single product images and thumbnail did not changed (stayed squared)…
    Another thing that the single product images keep calling the 800×800 version of the images instead the generated one or the actual full original one, and that makes the images not HD when zooming. another thing that the product thumbnails call the full images instead the regenerated and that makes the product page size very big..

    I have changed to the basic themes and they called the new images sizes i have generated .. so please could you tell me what should i add or amend? i have tried to do something in the product-images.php and product thumbnails.php ,, but nothing changed. i could just increase the resolution by increasing the 800 width. But couldnt know how to make the pictures and thumbnails call the new sizes generated pics.

    Best regards,


    Post count: 50

    Hello, an addition that my clarify what i am asking for:
    in the product-image.php, there is this code

    $product_image_width = apply_filters(‘sf_product_image_width’, 800)

    This code leads to soft crop even if i select hard crop from the woo-commerce settings, all my pictures are 1500×1500 and i want to hard crop them 1000×1300. when i change the 800 in the code above to any number for example 1000.. the system generate a new photo with a dimension of 1000×1000 to use it for the single image. what i want please is to know how can i change this code or add another one to make the hard crops images been selected by the theme. my favor dimension pictures 1000×1300 are already generated after set these dimensions in the woo-commerce settings and regenerate them, but the theme it self do not select this picture file and instead it generates a new file 1000×1000 as it has a soft crop order. Please help me to solve this problem as its impossible to have these pictures being cropped manually, or if there is any way to make the theme select my favor pic dimension that has been already generated and available in the uploads folder.

    Thanks alot

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    What is the size of the original image before upload? Could you also attach it here so we can test?

    The line you refer to in product-image.php should look like this, what theme version are you using:

    $image = aq_resize( $image_link, 800, NULL, true, false);

    Have you tested changing it to this for a hard crop:

    $image = aq_resize( $image_link, 800, 800, true, true);


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