New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Sight Slow to load / Better WordPress Minify plugin breaks theme

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #45077
    Post count: 17

    LOVE the theme, brilliant! So easy to use would love to figure out the loading issues.

    Site is hanging on loading admin-ajax.php, I know that is a WP core file but looks like its being called by woocommerce for the items in the cart script. I deactivated the plugin and nothing changed, still 70/100 loading (with minimum site content).

    All plugins off, 90/100 just running on the theme alone.

    Site speed drops 30% when oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers and woocommerce turns on (I turned these on separately). When they are on at the same time the site is still 63/100.

    W3 only brings it up 10%. Dumb.

    Better WordPress Minify brings the site up 20% but it completely breaks the theme styling and doesn’t get along with Envato WordPress Toolkit, see attached. I am also getting folder permission issues even though I have set the cache folders to 755 and 777. I use the program coda to do this maybe that has something to do with it.

    Any ideas how to solve?

    Thanks in advance,

    Post count: 17

    And a link would help!

    Post count: 17

    Some more troubleshooting updates.

    Also tried switching off the child theme as it was sorted out here:

    Still no go made the whole site scrambled again.

    WP better Minify really does not like the Envato plugin, every time I install WP better Minify it will name the plugin folder name as Envato plugin, bizarre. Also WP better Minify still wont take any CHMOD folder permissions for the cache folder either.

    Also I only have your recommended plugins installed at this time, no extra script upgrades, just CSS changes.

    The slowness is worry some because I have absolutely no real site content yet.

    Will try this too and report back:


    Post count: 11

    I have the same problem. My site can take up to 10-12 seconds (sometimes more!) to load. Admin-ajax.php seems to be the culprit.

    I have hardly any content that would cause loading problems.

    This happens even if I have Better WordPress Minify and WP Super Cache running.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, check this thread for a guide created by a user about speeding up the website:

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    bamtron I get a 404 on the file

    That seems to take quite some time as well.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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