New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Sidebars still missing

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #242022
    Post count: 4

    I read up in the forum about the issue of missing sidebars the upgrading to WP4.4 (which happened yesterday), tried changing the code on the single.php but it did not work. Downloaded and installed the latest version of Cardinal but my sidebars are still missing!

    I was able to make one page work by dropping the content down to 2/3 of the width and putting in a widget area to the left where I was able to show sidebar widget content, but that is not a feasible solution as all of the posts and many of the pages have sidebar content on them.


    Post count: 4

    Update: The upgrade to the latest Cardinal theme fixed the sidebar issue on pages but not posts.

    Post count: 4

    Update again! (Sorry, I don’t know how to close topics). The upgrade got rid of some sidebar widgets at random which is why it wasn’t showing up for posts again. Sorry for the chatter! I’m all set now.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Great, glad you got it sorted.


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