New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante side menu has disappeared on blog post since updating to latest version

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #235054
    Post count: 52

    Hi there

    I just updated to the latest version of wordpress and Dante and have noticed that now the left side menu has disappeared of all of my inidividual blog posts.

    It’s still there on the blog overview ie
    but when you click on any individual blog post it’s not there eg
    even though when you edit the blog post and go to post meta, it still specifies left sidebar and sidebar 1 (which is the correct one)

    Please can you release a patch/fix for this problem

    Thanks so much

    Post count: 52

    As I needed this fixed pretty urgently, I’ve downgraded now to a wordpress 4.3.1 which has resolved the issue, but looking forward to you fixing this in your next release. I noticed as I was I was troubleshooting whether it was wordpress or dante, that when I had the latest version of wordpress ie 4.4 but the previous version dante, that side bars were missing not only in individual blog posts but also in blog overview, once I upgraded to latest version of dante, the issue was fixed for blog overview, but not for individual blog posts. I am now running wordpress 4.3.1 with the latest version of dante, but would be great to be able to update to latest version of wordpress sometime soon once you’ve revolved this issue. i have attached snapshot of what an individual blog post looks like once I update to WP 4.4 versus what it looks like in WP 4.3.1

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    This is caused by your child theme.

    Please update WP and the parent theme, then you will need to update the child theme files with the new updated files from the parent theme.


    Post count: 52

    which files in the child theme in particular do I need to be updating? I updated the entire swift framework folder in the child theme and it make no difference…

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You need to upgrade the single.php and page.php files in child theme also.

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