New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Show all images in selected galleries

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #201777
    Post count: 192

    Is it possible to show all images within multiple galleries with the galleries element? Right now I can only see the featured images, but I would like something similar to the blog masonry element. So with the filter it is posible to only show a certain category of images.


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid not sorry, the 2 assets we have are

    Galleries: Which shows all of the galleries you have (with featured image), when you click you get taken to the gallery page

    Gallery: This is where you choose which gallery you want to show and those images are displayed.

    Unfortunately it’s not currently possible to have all gallery images shown with a filter, but will pass the suggestion onto the developer

    – Kyle

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