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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #31709

    On my site, I use shortcodes that are not a part of the Swift Framework; for example, I have a plugin that enables the [loop] shortcode. It appears that Pinpoint is somehow disabling these shortcodes, though. When I use the shortcodes on a different theme, everything appears as it should, but with Pinpoint, the page displays the [loop] code instead of executing it.

    I have tried entering the shortcodes both in the Classic Editor and via the HTML block attached to Swift Page Builder. Is this behavior intentional? If so, is there a way to change it?

    Many thanks.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, shortcodes are either plugin or theme bound. If you switch the theme, the shortcodes the old theme used will not be executed anymore, unless the new theme accidentially uses the same shortcode.
    So that’s normal.

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