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  • #100819
    Post count: 44


    I am rebuilding my website using Cardinal. In my old website, I use a plugin to show the Author information at the end of some pages. I need this feature. Would it be possible to show the author information using a shortcode?

    Also I would like to have a better author profile, including at least some social profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linkedin). It is common in magazines themes and also in some very popular multipurpose themes. Would it be possible?

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    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    The author is shown at the end of posts, similar to your screenshot. If you need further functionality you will need to install a plugin

    – Kyle

    Post count: 44

    Would it be possible also to show the author bio also in pages? Maybe with a meta option in a page or with a shortcode to show the bio? The plugins availables create his own author box.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    I’m afraid not sorry, you would need to find a plugin for that

    – Kyle

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