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  • #99689
    Post count: 72

    On my site I’m having button issues on my shopping bag drop down and on my checkout page. As you can see my “view shopping bag” button on the shopping bag drop down is working correctly, however the “proceed to checkout” button is incorrectly positioned on the button, has doubled text on rollover and does not change colour on click. Once the user is taken to the checkout page the “place order” button is also broken. I have tried playing with the options in the Woocart pop-up options, however this does not fix the issues…Someone please help ???

    Post count: 210

    You screwed up a line height in the header or something in the css changes. Remove your css changes and try the site, then apply the css changes and go thru them till the problem doesnt happen.

    Post count: 72

    Sweet, thanks dude I’ll give it a go…

    Post count: 72

    Sweet that fixed it. I have a couple more shopping bag related questions as well
    1. Now i’m trying to change the colours of my “go to the shop” (when noting is added to cart) and “view shopping cart” (when cart has an item). Once again I’m looking through the woocart popup settings but nothing is working.

    2. I’m also trying to change the colour of the message “blabhah was successfully added to your cart.” when an item is added to the cart. I have tried this custom css from another thread:

    .woocommerce-page .woocommerce-message, .woocommerce .woocommerce-message {
    background: #a3c157;

    to change it from the default light blue to green, however it does not work.

    Anybody know how to fix these issues?

    Post count: 210

    Dont forget the !important…

    background: #a3c157 !important;

    does that help?

    Post count: 72

    Perfect! thanks westcoastsurf!

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Thanks again for the input @westcoastsurf

    – Kyle

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