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  • Posted in: Joyn
  • #159083
    Post count: 1

    in reality, as you can see in the object, we have 2 distinct questions 😉

    1. The shop product component, of you page builder, when set to “selected products”, shows only 8 products, with or without carousel. If it’s set to any other value, e.g. “featured”, it’s possible to select the number of items.
    We’d like to show more than 8 products, but by selecting directly these products.

    2. In the single product page, it’s possible to set a variable that make the tab description already opened. By default it needs to be clicked by the user, to open and read its content.

    hoping you could help us, I send you our regards.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    1) In that scenario you can choose the products you need, one by one.
    Like in this screenshot

    2)I’m afraid that’s not possible has default. You will have to hire a freelancer to achieve it.


    Post count: 1

    Thanks Rui for your answer

    1. the problem is that if we select 9 or more products, only 8 will be shown.
    and the option “number of items” disappears.

    2. can you say us, al least, which .php file contains the script for the description?

    thank you again

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    1) maybe that’s an issue, will try to replicate it and get back to you.

    2) That’s a bit complex, since that code is inside Woocommerce plugin and works with actions and hooks. It’s an WordPress concept difficult to explain.

    Try to post that question in Woocommerce support forum, they are in better position to answer it.


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