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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Anonymous.
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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #37073
    Post count: 24

    How to edit the Shop Products – Mini and Shop Products so that I can replace with my own images


    Hi there,

    The Shop products page builder elements are driven by your WooCommerce products. You’ll see the “Products” tab underneath the “WooCommerce” tab in your dashboard. When you create a new product you can set the thumbnail using the “Featured Image” section on the right of the product page. You can also select the images you want for the product item gallery using the “Product Gallery” section.

    Hope that helps,

    Post count: 24

    Hi Kristian,

    My apologies, maybe I did not explain myself clear enough. In page builder there are two shortcodes, Shop and Mini Shop. How / where do I edit / control these from. I have looked at the product pages in Woo, but I cannot see how these have being created.

    Thank you


    Ah ok, so you want to edit the shop elements themselves?

    You can do this by clicking the pen icon on the top right of page builder element (see attached.)

    Hope that helps,

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