New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood "Shop Products" element not working on responsive displays

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  • #19238
    Post count: 49

    I have added the “Shop Products” element, as is in the Homepage layout.

    I want it to be not a carousel, and for it to have 20 products

    You can take a look at it here:

    Make sure you make the window size smaller (or view on a phone). You will see that it shows up in a very strange way

    Please help out ASAP!

    Login details given in private post below

    Post count: 49
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    Post count: 49

    Just to clarify, i want it to show the items responsively (like on the Store page, at ) however it is showing 4 in a row, and it is cropping out the words “Add to Cart” from the button as a result

    Please let me know how to resolve this, i want the products to show responsively like on the Store page!

    Post count: 49

    managed to resolve this partially by changing the product size from standard to mini

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    Post count: 261

    Was there a resolution for this issue without changing product size to “Mini”?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    can you open a new thread for your issue? Your question, while it might be similar, is most likely different and requires a different approach. Also, posting to an existing (and probably old) thread will most likely lack currentness and furthermore lack the opportunity to post login details private in case we need them.

    All the best

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