I’m not able to get the sidebar to show on my shop page. I have the shop page configured under the WooCommerce settings and the test product I have is showing there but I can’t get the sidebar to show when I go to the Page Meta tab. I have tried the WooCommerce and Sidebar One options, but there is still no sidebar shown.
Furthermore, I’m trying to get this to work as part of the super search (so I added the Nav and Layered Nav widgets to my Woo Commerce sidebar) but I’m not sure how to create the category filters like they are on the demo. I have a few hierearchical categories on my products, but I’m not sure how to set up the product filters in super search to select them (ie. in the demo there is “I’m looking for new ___clothingtype__ in size __size__ that cost between _x_ and _y_. Show me all the __Color__ items from the brand __brand__”.) How do I set these categories up to work with super search?