New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Shop only displaying one product

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  • #50564
    Post count: 10

    I’m using wordpress version 3.8.1
    I’m using WooCommerce version 2.0.20

    My shop is only displaying the most recent product which I’ve added, when I obviously want it to display all items. This also applies when I filter the products using the Brand attribute.

    I’ve tried for hours on end to try and resolve this but no avail. I urgently needs this resolved as it’s stopping me from launching the site!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    We have a Neighborhood 1.64 update out to fix all the issues . So please update Neighborhood latest and woocommerce latest 2.1.1 to fix all issues and let me know your feedback .
    With Best Regards
    Swiftideas Themes

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