Is there a way to change the color of the sale sign from red to a different color?
When I click “continue shopping” link it takes me to the shop but the layout is different (i.e., there is black fill between the menu bar and the products, and there is an option to sort products whereas there isn’t this option when you select shop from the main menu). How do I change this? There is no edit page option at the top of the page.
Is there a way to change the icons included within the shopping cart menu (i.e., those images that display when you hover over the buttons in the shopping cart menu)?
How do you edit the layout and text on the track your order and shopping bag, and other woocommerce related pages? There are edit page buttons but there doesn’t appear to be a way to edit on the back-end; the only thing that displays is: [woocommerce_text]
When I simulate placing an order, and click the place order button, it takes me to a secure Mijireh page. I have a couple of concerns. One – the page (e.g., font, background color, buttons) doesn’t look anything like my website, and two – the URL, of course, doesn’t display my website’s domain. I am afraid that these two items will result in lost sales. Any suggestions?