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Also, what is the label in the color customizer that will allow me to change the text within the caption of my categories to a darker color?
I want to make the text “books 1 item” and “prints 1 item” darker, so that it is legible.
Add this custom css:
.woocommerce .products .product-category .product-cat-info, .woocommerce .products .product-category .product-cat-info h3 { color: #222; }
– Ed
There must be something up with that category, try deleting and adding again.
I tested the default WordPress theme and it didn’t show there either – so definitely not a theme issue.
Code worked great, thanks!
Actually the issue seemed to have been with the product not being recognized. Thanks for helping out, everything seems okay now!
Hi, You most welcome and i am glad that your issue resolved. Great thanks Ed. Mohammad
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