New Landing How can we help? Atelier Shop category page query – slider and sub menu boxes

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #330505
    Post count: 3


    I have a few questions on changing pics and what not on the shop categories:

    1) How do I change the main picture in the category page? (see pic top arrow)
    2) Can that be like a slider and change picture every few seconds?
    3) How can I add sub categories onto the page so it looks like boxes (see pic bottom arrow)
    4) is it possible to change the menu to a traditional top line style?


    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) Do so in Products => Categories, select the category you wish to edit and then change the Hero Image.

    2) You can set a slider for the shop page and optionally all categories. But not a different slider per category. Theme Options => WooCommerce Options => Shop Options => Shop Slider

    3) There is not a way to do this, you would need to heavily customise the theme functions and template files.

    4) You cannot change the menu style as such for the categories. You can set a different menu style globally in Theme Options => Header Options


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding your questions.

    1) You can set the category hero image.[6addbde1d59bd1031d729fe0e92c4ded]_Image%202017-06-30%20at%204.11.03%20PM.png

    2) That’s not possible, only possible to choose the hero image.

    3) That’s also not possible for the same reason above, there is no option to insert that content.

    4) can you provide an example?


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