New Landing How can we help? Atelier Shop Categories (can we hide categories on shop page with custom css)

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #258871
    Post count: 70

    I read through the forum and found some related posts on this subject (where you mention that customizing category views is not possible), but not sure if what i am looking to do is exact same thing.

    We are in process of rebuilding our site (formerly used Neighborhood theme & switching to Atlelier theme). We are focusing our shop to three categories (‘thick business cards’, ‘thick invitations/postcards’ and ‘other stuff’). There are quite a few older products in different categories -and- a lot of custom order products we create for order upgrades, price adjustments, etc. We would like for all of these to NOT show up on SHOP page or anywhere on site for that matter. Is it possible to simply hide certain categories. We would even be willing to categorize every ancillary product on our site (not part of our main three) – into one category if that would make it easier.

    Hoping there is some custom css to simply hide a particular category from appearing anywhere on shop page or anywhere on site for that matter. We thought of keeping them all as uncategorized, but they still show up on SHOP page.

    Hope this makes sense. Please let me know if there is a way to hide.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please use this custom css code:-

    display:none !important;


    Post count: 70

    The custom code you sent removes the category names from the thumbnails in SHOP, unfortunately that is not what i was hoping to accomplish.
    We are only going to have three product categories:
    1. Thick Business Cards
    2. Thick Invitations
    3. Other Stuff

    There will be one additional category (4 categories total), which we named “Custom Orders”. We do not want any products in category ‘Custom Orders’ to show up on SHOP pages. Only want the three main categories to show up.

    Can we hide one category completely from SHOP? but still have the other three show up?

    Hope this makes sense. Thank you.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    You will need some custom code for that as I don’t believe it’s possible as standard with WooCommerce, have a look at:

    – Kyle

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