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  • #127325
    Post count: 34

    Hello Swift-team,

    working with your theme was fun and easy, tho I have some last few issues I need to sort for my client. I truly hope you can help me on those last tasks, since I could not find any helpful fix in the knowledgebase nor forum. To get an overview I gonna list the problems below:

    #1 – Remove BACS information on the bank transfer check-out page:
    Once te customer selects bank transfer the thank-you-page shows the whole bank information. I don’t wanna display them here due to security reasons, but it’s essential that they remain in the confirmation email, so that the customer knows where to transfer the money.

    #2 – Social Icons:
    We need to add Soundcloud and Mixcloud in the top social bar. How can I do this?

    #3 – Individual Shipping:
    Since the prices vary from country to country it’s necessary that we can set couple of shipping methods. Right now I only see in woo commerce the possibility to select between local and international. Is there a way to enter a price for each country, if so how?

    For now these are the most important steps I have to sort, so I would be more than glad if you’d come back to me in this matter and provide some guidance.

    Thanks in advance,

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Regarding #1 and #3 you should contact Woocommerce support they are in better position to help you with Wooocommerce questions.

    Regarding #2 this would require a significant customization that is outside of our scope support. But we can point you to the right direction.


    Post count: 34

    Hi Rui,

    honestly I’m quite disappointed with your shortcut of dealing with my questions, especially since I noticed that some nonsense subjects here getting explained detailed to the scratch.

    Nevertheless, have you ever seen how woo commerce support works? If so you’d be familiar with the fact that I’d never get an answer to those questions or maybe within a 4 month delay. I checked their forum and it’s rather horrible then helpful ..

    If you cant help me on the questions regarding shippings and BACS – which I believe should be in your service and knowledge since you offer a woo theme – at least ‘point me the direction’ how to get additional social icons run.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    You are asking very specific things about gateways that are in the scope of Woocommerce. If they don’t reply to the customer that use their products we can’t be responsible for that.

    In that Bacs checkout page can you take a screenshot and show what you want to remove, maybe we could do it with css.

    About the social icons you should go to the file shortcodes.php located in neighborhood/includes/swift-framework/

    Find this code around line 658 $social_icons = '';
    then after that you can add your specific social icons like this
    $social_icons .= '<li class="soundcloud"><a href="" target="_blank">Soundcloud</a></li>'."\n";


    Post count: 34
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Add the code below to your custom css option.

    .page-id-5862 .bacs_details, .page-id-5862 .checkout-confirmation h3{


    Post count: 34

    Hi Rui,

    thanks for the provided code. That worked just perfect – the BACS are hidden.
    Just the code for the social icons u provided seems not to work. What am I missing? Could you please explain the process more detailed? Thanks in advance!!

    – Ina

    Post count: 34

    Hi there,

    any chance to get a more specific support on this one? I believed social icons are a general issue and quite a basic function. I urgently need to add soundcloud and mixcloud – would highly appreciate if you’d come back to me in this matter. The code Rui provided is not working.

    Thanks a lot.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Hi @gunnerson

    Can you provide me admin access to try to change it for you?
    Need your souncloud and Mixcloud urls’s to place in the link.

    Will try to show you the way of doing it.


    Post count: 34
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    Post count: 34
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Just added the new links to soundcloud and mixcloud like a told previously in the file shortcodes.php around line 658.

    Now you need to set the background images to be the logo icon using the css below.
    Change the url to the url of your uploaded logos. The size is 24 x 24px
 li a {
    background-image: url(images/soundlogourl.png)!important;
    } li a {
    background-image: url(images/mixcloudourl.png)!important;


    Post count: 34
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you check again, I changed the css I provided.

    li.soundcloud a {
    background-image: url(!important;
    li.mixcloud a {
    background-image: url(!important;


    Post count: 34

    Perfect Rui – Lifesaver 🙂

    Thank you so much. My client will be happy to launch the shop by today.

    Kind regards,


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