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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #7484
    Reg Roark
    Post count: 3

    I”m trying to track down where this line of code is coming from..
    <!–// SOCIAL SCRIPTS //–>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script&gt;

    I only have two plugins (SEO Ultimate and better wp security), both of which are disabled, other than the breadcrumb NavXT and the rev slider and the contact form 7 and the woo commerce..

    I hate to ask, but I can’t find any other thing that would be producing this and figured you all would know right off.. is this part of the theme? And if so, how can I turn off sharethis? It’s just slowwwwwwwww.


    Reg Roark
    Post count: 3

    should have tried this before, but when I disable the theme and use the twenty eleven it goes away, so i’m thinking it’s a theme thing, but I don’t see the same line in the demo, I checked before I bought! lol.. I hate sharethis. Can I turn that off?

    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    is probably in the header.php


    Reg Roark
    Post count: 3

    ah, I see, it’s only for single product pages…

    Maybe for an upgrade we can check if (is_single()) and whatever the call is for “sharethis publisher id” is entered??

    don’t want to load / call a javascript that isn’t doing anything!

    just a suggestion.

    thanks Ben!

    Reg Roark
    Post count: 3

    never mind, lol, it’s a woocommerce thing, seems removing that slows the page down even more

    Thanks though!

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