I’m having problems with the Neighborhood theme and I was hoping you guys might lend me a hand.
1- In the product’s description, I need to change the text and format displayed in the social sharing boxes. It currently only shows the link where the title should go.
2- In My Account, when I click on “My Orders” and I don’t have any orders made the page does/shows nothing, I need to put a “You have no orders yet” kind of message.
3- At checkout, when you’re on the Billing and Shipping page and you click the Proceed with Purchase button, it auto scrolls the page back to the top when it shouldn’t.
4- In the mobile version, when I zoom in on a product and tap on it another smaller window pops out when it shouldn’t. I’m attaching a file
I’m in real need to get this fixed soon. Thank you for your help.